Tuesday, 31 July 2007


I'd like to thank Faisca (what a great name!) for his kind words about this blog in "The Capoeira Blog" at thecapoeirablog.wordpress.com

He also mentions

Bahia-Capoeira Blog - This is a promising blog with some great content. Be sure to check out their tutorials on how to string the berimbau. They also have a store, always a good thing.

Jogo Log - This one hasn’t been updated since April, but it has some good stuff. Check out the Learning Portuguese for Capoeira post.

Generic Capoeira LJ - A LiveJournal community for capoeiristas.

We met through CapoeiraEspaço, which I found through the Capoeira group on Facebook. What a great way to work together and make Capoeira as viral (and vital) on the web as it is in real life!


Anonymous said...

Hey - thanks for the link to our blog (Bahia-Capoeira.com)! Yours is really interesting... I'll ask my webmaster to link to it, if that's ok. I love the lesson Moraes taught you, and btw the same thing happened to me in Salvador with Mestre Dinho of Capoeira Topazio. Are you currently in the NY area? If so, we'd love to have you visit our FICA branch here - www.ficanewyork.org


Sabrina Gledhill said...

Thanks! I still live in Bahia, though I visit New York whenever possible. I'll be sure to visit your FICA branch when I do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link back to my blog!

It's interesting what you said about the viralness of capoeira online and in real life. It's very true.

Oh yeah, and I like what you've done with the new look!

Muito axe,
