Thursday, 3 May 2007

Video - Mestre Moraes


Brookes said...

Should be noted that Mestre Moraes is playing with Mestre Cobra Mansa of FICA - Fundacao Internacional de Capoeira Angola. Both were originally part of GCAP.

Anonymous said...

hey!! it's only to say that the one's playing with mestre moraes isn't mestre cobra mansa, He is mestre jogo de dentro, group semente de angola, student of mestre joao pequeno!!! axèèèèè

Sabrina Gledhill said...

Thanks for the correction, "anonymous". Brooke - Moraes and Cobrinha were not only originally part of GCAP, they were the co-founders (and my mestres in the late 80s, along with João Grande). Thanks again for the contributions and comments and please keep them coming!